Take Control of Online Product Listings

Brand owners know that Amazon pricing and product listings are a perennial concern. We talk about how to handle Minimum Advertised Pricing issues, and other infringements elsewhere.

But if your products are going to appear on Amazon, or any other online retail site, you should consider how they appear.

Greg Mercer of Jungle Scout has a great post for upstart “private label” brands on how to optimize new listings, but the suggestions apply just as well to established brands examining their existing listings.

I urge you to take a look.

As Greg points out, optimizing your Amazon listing is a powerful way to improve your products’ performance in the single fastest growing marketplace on earth. And the same advice in some form applies to Jet and Walmart listings.

Think about it: oftentimes, the Amazon listing page for a product was created by a long-ago reseller – perhaps even an unauthorized third-party seller.

In many cases, the person who wrote the listing had no training in copywriting, and no access to high-resolution images.

And Amazon hasn’t been in the business of refining these listings: they’ve relied on resellers to act in their own best interests and craft effective listings.

So very likely, someone you and Amazon never met created your product listings. Then other resellers simply added their inventory to the listing, without making changes.

Eventually a brand owner might choose to sell directly on Amazon using that same, half-baked third-party listing, as might Amazon itself!

So given that your Amazon listings may have been written by anonymous amateurs…

Are you considering optimizing your listings?

Contact NBP Direct if you’d like help thinking through how to make your brand and products stronger online.

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